Other Ascii

Table ASCII - US avec correspondances clavier

Caractères de contrôle

Description                    Char  Hex  Character

null                   NUL     ^@    00   
start of heading       SOH     ^A    01   
start of text          STX     ^B    02   
end of text            ETX     ^C    03   

end of transmission    EOT     ^D    04   
enquiry                ENQ     ^E    05   
acknowledge            ACK     ^F    06   
bell                   BEL     ^G    07   

backspace              BS      ^H    08   
horizontal tab         HT      ^I    09   	
line feed, new line    LF, NL  ^J    0A   

vertical tab           VT      ^K    0B   
form feed, new page    FF, NP  ^L    0C   

carriage return        CR      ^M    0D   
shift out              SO      ^N    0E   
shift in               SI      ^O    0F   
data link escape       DLE     ^P    10   

device control 1       DC1     ^Q    11   
device control 2       DC2     ^R    12   
device control 3       DC3     ^S    13   
device control 4       DC4     ^T    14   

negative acknowledge   NAK     ^U    15   
synchronous idle       SYN     ^V    16   
end of trans. block    ETB     ^W    17   
cancel                 CAN     ^X    18   

end of medium          EM      ^Y    19   
substitute             SUB     ^Z    1A   
escape                 ESC     ^[    1B   
file separator         FS      ^\    1C   

group separator        GS      ^]    1D   
record separator       RS      ^^    1E   
unit separator         US      ^_    1F   

Table ASCII des Caractères spéciaux et nombres

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

space                                20     -->     &sp;       --> &sp;
exclamation mark               !     21   ! --> !   !     --> !
(double) quotation mark        "     22   " --> "   "     --> "

number sign                    #     23   # --> #   #      --> #
dollar sign                    $     24   $ --> $   $   --> $
percent sign                   %     25   % --> %   %   --> %
ampersand                      &     26   & --> &   &      --> &

apostrophe,                    '     27   ' --> '   '     --> '
   single quote mark
left parenthesis               (     28   ( --> (   (     --> (
right parenthesis              )     29   ) --> )   )     --> )
asterisk                       *     2A   * --> *   *      --> *
plus sign                      +     2B   + --> +   +     --> +
comma                          ,     2C   , --> ,   ,    --> ,
minus sign, hyphen             -     2D   - --> -   ‐   --> ‐
                                                             --> −

period, decimal point,         .     2E   . --> .   .   --> .
   full stop
slash, virgule, solidus        /     2F   / --> /   /      --> /
digit 0                        0     30   0 --> 0
digit 1                        1     31   1 --> 1
digit 2                        2     32   2 --> 2
digit 3                        3     33   3 --> 3
digit 4                        4     34   4 --> 4
digit 5                        5     35   5 --> 5
digit 6                        6     36   6 --> 6
digit 7                        7     37   7 --> 7
digit 8                        8     38   8 --> 8
digit 9                        9     39   9 --> 9
colon                          :     3A   : --> :   :    --> :
semicolon                      ;     3B   ; --> ;   ;     --> ;
less-than sign                 <     3C   < --> <   <       --> <

equal sign                     =     3D   = --> =   =   --> =
greater-than sign              >     3E   > --> >   >       --> >
question mark                  ?     3F   ? --> ?   ?    --> ?

Table ASCII des Lettres capitales

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

commercial at sign             @     40   @ --> @   @   --> @
capital A                      A     41   A --> A
capital B                      B     42   B --> B
capital C                      C     43   C --> C
capital D                      D     44   D --> D
capital E                      E     45   E --> E
capital F                      F     46   F --> F
capital G                      G     47   G --> G
capital H                      H     48   H --> H
capital I                      I     49   I --> I
capital J                      J     4A   J --> J
capital K                      K     4B   K --> K
capital L                      L     4C   L --> L
capital M                      M     4D   M --> M
capital N                      N     4E   N --> N
capital O                      O     4F   O --> O
capital P                      P     50   P --> P
capital Q                      Q     51   Q --> Q
capital R                      R     52   R --> R
capital S                      S     53   S --> S
capital T                      T     54   T --> T
capital U                      U     55   U --> U
capital V                      V     56   V --> V
capital W                      W     57   W --> W
capital X                      X     58   X --> X
capital Y                      Y     59   Y --> Y
capital Z                      Z     5A   Z --> Z
left square bracket            [     5B   [ --> [   [     --> [
backslash, reverse solidus     \     5C   \ --> \   \     --> \
right square bracket           ]     5D   ] --> ]   ]     --> ]
spacing circumflex accent      ^     5E   ^ --> ^   ˆ     --> ?
spacing underscore, low line,  _     5F   _ --> _   _   --> _
   horizontal bar                                        ―   --> ―

Table ASCII des lettres Bas de casse

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

spacing grave accent,          `     60   ` --> `   `    --> `
   back apostrophe
small a                        a     61   a --> a
small b                        b     62   b --> b
small c                        c     63   c --> c
small d                        d     64   d --> d
small e                        e     65   e --> e
small f                        f     66   f --> f
small g                        g     67   g --> g
small h                        h     68   h --> h
small i                        i     69   i --> i
small j                        j     6A   j --> j
small k                        k     6B   k --> k
small l                        l     6C   l --> l
small m                        m     6D   m --> m
small n                        n     6E   n --> n
small o                        o     6F   o --> o
small p                        p     70   p --> p
small q                        q     71   q --> q
small r                        r     72   r --> r
small s                        s     73   s --> s
small t                        t     74   t --> t
small u                        u     75   u --> u
small v                        v     76   v --> v
small w                        w     77   w --> w
small x                        x     78   x --> x
small y                        y     79   y --> y
small z                        z     7A   z --> z
left brace (curly bracket)     {     7B   { --> {   {     --> {
vertical bar                   |     7C   | --> |   |   --> |
right brace (curly bracket)    }     7D   } --> }   }     --> }
tilde accent                   ~     7E   ~ --> ~   ˜    --> ?

delete                 DEL     ^?    7F   

Table Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 ( les caractères ajoutés sont en vert )

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name


                                     81   
low left rising single quote         82               --> ‚
small italic f, function of,   f     83   ƒ         ƒ     --> ?
low left rising double quote         84               --> „
low horizontal ellipsis              85            …   --> ?
                                                         &ldots;    --> &ldots;
dagger mark                          86               --> ?
double dagger mark                   87               --> ?
letter modifying circumflex          88   ˆ         ¹

per thousand (mille) sign            89               --> ?
capital S caron or hacek             8A   Š         Š   --> ?
left single angle quote mark         8B               --> ?
capital OE ligature                  8C   Œ         Œ    --> ?
                                     8D   

                                     8E   Ž
                                     8F   
                                     90   
left single quotation mark,          91            ‘    --> ?
   high right rising single quote                           --> ’
right single quote mark              92            ’    --> ?
left double quotation mark,          93            “    --> ?
   high right rising double quote                           --> ”
right double quote mark              94            ”    --> ?
round filled bullet                  95            •     --> ?
en dash                              96            –    --> ?
                                                         &endash;   --> &endash;
em dash                              97            —    --> ?
                                                         &emdash;   --> &emdash;
small spacing tilde accent           98   ˜         ˜¹

trademark sign                       99            ™    --> ?
small s caron or hacek               9A   š         š   --> ?
right single angle quote mark        9B               --> ?
small oe ligature                    9C   œ         œ    --> ?
                                     9D   

                                     9E   ž
capital Y dieresis or umlaut         9F   Ÿ         Ÿ     --> ?

Table ASCII - ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) Entités

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

non-breaking space                   A0     -->           -->  
inverted exclamation mark      ¡     A1   ¡ --> ¡   ¡    --> ¡
cent sign                      ¢     A2   ¢ --> ¢   ¢     --> ¢
pound sterling sign            £     A3   £ --> £   £    --> £
general currency sign          ¤     A4   ¤ --> ¤   ¤   --> ¤
yen sign                       ¥     A5   ¥ --> ¥   ¥      --> ¥
broken vertical bar            ¦     A6   ¦ --> ¦   ¦   --> ¦
                                                         &brkbar;   --> &brkbar;
section sign                   §     A7   § --> §   §     --> §
spacing dieresis or umlaut     ¨     A8   ¨ --> ¨   ¨      --> ¨
                                                         ¨      --> ¨
copyright sign                 ©     A9   © --> ©   ©     --> ©
feminine ordinal indicator     ª     AA   ª --> ª   ª     --> ª
left (double) angle quote      «     AB   « --> «   «    --> «

logical not sign               ¬     AC   ¬ --> ¬   ¬      --> ¬
soft hyphen                    ­     AD   ­ --> ­   ­      --> ­
registered trademark sign      ®     AE   ® --> ®   ®      --> ®
spacing macron (long) accent,  ¯     AF   ¯ --> ¯   ¯     --> ¯
                                                         &hibar;    --> &hibar;
degree sign                    °     B0   ° --> °   °      --> °
plus-or-minus sign             ±     B1   ± --> ±   ±   --> ±
superscript 2                  ²     B2   ² --> ²   ²     --> ²
superscript 3                  ³     B3   ³ --> ³   ³     --> ³
spacing acute accent           ´     B4   ´ --> ´   ´    --> ´
micro sign                     µ     B5   µ --> µ   µ    --> µ
paragraph sign, pilcrow sign   ¶     B6   ¶ --> ¶   ¶     --> ¶
middle dot, centered dot       ·     B7   · --> ·   ·   --> ·
spacing cedilla                ¸     B8   ¸ --> ¸   ¸    --> ¸
superscript 1                  ¹     B9   ¹ --> ¹   ¹     --> ¹
masculine ordinal indicator    º     BA   º --> º   º     --> º
right (double) angle quote     »     BB   » --> »   »    --> »
fraction 1/4                   ¼     BC   ¼ --> ¼   ¼   --> ¼
fraction 1/2                   ½     BD   ½ --> ½   ½   --> ½
                                                         ½     --> ½
fraction 3/4                   ¾     BE   ¾ --> ¾   ¾   --> ¾
inverted question mark         ¿     BF   ¿ --> ¿   ¿   --> ¿

Table des Lettres capitales accentuées Latin-1

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

capital A grave                À     C0   À --> À   À   --> À
capital A acute                Á     C1   Á --> Á   Á   --> Á
capital A circumflex           Â     C2   Â --> Â   Â    --> Â
capital A tilde                Ã     C3   Ã --> Ã   Ã   --> Ã
capital A dieresis or umlaut   Ä     C4   Ä --> Ä   Ä     --> Ä
capital A ring                 Å     C5   Å --> Å   Å    --> Å
capital AE ligature            Æ     C6   Æ --> Æ   Æ    --> Æ
capital C cedilla              Ç     C7   Ç --> Ç   Ç   --> Ç
capital E grave                È     C8   È --> È   È   --> È
capital E acute                É     C9   É --> É   É   --> É
capital E circumflex           Ê     CA   Ê --> Ê   Ê    --> Ê
capital E dieresis or umlaut   Ë     CB   Ë --> Ë   Ë     --> Ë
capital I grave                Ì     CC   Ì --> Ì   Ì   --> Ì
capital I acute                Í     CD   Í --> Í   Í   --> Í
capital I circumflex           Î     CE   Î --> Î   Î    --> Î
capital I dieresis or umlaut   Ï     CF   Ï --> Ï   Ï     --> Ï
capital ETH                    Ð     D0   Ð --> Ð   Ð      --> Ð
capital N tilde                Ñ     D1   Ñ --> Ñ   Ñ   --> Ñ
capital O grave                Ò     D2   Ò --> Ò   Ò   --> Ò
capital O acute                Ó     D3   Ó --> Ó   Ó   --> Ó
capital O circumflex           Ô     D4   Ô --> Ô   Ô    --> Ô
capital O tilde                Õ     D5   Õ --> Õ   Õ   --> Õ
capital O dieresis or umlaut   Ö     D6   Ö --> Ö   Ö     --> Ö
multiplication sign            ×     D7   × --> ×   ×    --> ×
capital O slash                Ø     D8   Ø --> Ø   Ø   --> Ø
capital U grave                Ù     D9   Ù --> Ù   Ù   --> Ù
capital U acute                Ú     DA   Ú --> Ú   Ú   --> Ú
capital U circumflex           Û     DB   Û --> Û   Û    --> Û
capital U dieresis or umlaut   Ü     DC   Ü --> Ü   Ü     --> Ü
capital Y acute                Ý     DD   Ý --> Ý   Ý   --> Ý
capital THORN                  Þ     DE   Þ --> Þ   Þ    --> Þ
small sharp s, sz ligature     ß     DF   ß --> ß   ß    --> ß

Table des lettres Bas de casse accentuées Latin-1

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name

small a grave                  à     E0   à --> à   à   --> à
small a acute                  á     E1   á --> á   á   --> á
small a circumflex             â     E2   â --> â   â    --> â
small a tilde                  ã     E3   ã --> ã   ã   --> ã
small a dieresis or umlaut     ä     E4   ä --> ä   ä     --> ä
small a ring                   å     E5   å --> å   å    --> å
small ae ligature              æ     E6   æ --> æ   æ    --> æ
small c cedilla                ç     E7   ç --> ç   ç   --> ç
small e grave                  è     E8   è --> è   è   --> è
small e acute                  é     E9   é --> é   é   --> é
small e circumflex             ê     EA   ê --> ê   ê    --> ê
small e dieresis or umlaut     ë     EB   ë --> ë   ë     --> ë
small i grave                  ì     EC   ì --> ì   ì   --> ì
small i acute                  í     ED   í --> í   í   --> í
small i circumflex             î     EE   î --> î   î    --> î
small i dieresis or umlaut     ï     EF   ï --> ï   ï     --> ï

small eth                      ð     F0   ð --> ð   ð      --> ð
small n tilde                  ñ     F1   ñ --> ñ   ñ   --> ñ
small o grave                  ò     F2   ò --> ò   ò   --> ò
small o acute                  ó     F3   ó --> ó   ó   --> ó
small o circumflex             ô     F4   ô --> ô   ô    --> ô
small o tilde                  õ     F5   õ --> õ   õ   --> õ
small o dieresis or umlaut     ö     F6   ö --> ö   ö     --> ö
division sign                  ÷     F7   ÷ --> ÷   ÷   --> ÷
small o slash                  ø     F8   ø --> ø   ø   --> ø
small u grave                  ù     F9   ù --> ù   ù   --> ù
small u acute                  ú     FA   ú --> ú   ú   --> ú
small u circumflex             û     FB   û --> û   û    --> û
small u dieresis or umlaut     ü     FC   ü --> ü   ü     --> ü
small y acute                  ý     FD   ý --> ý   ý   --> ý
small thorn                    þ     FE   þ --> þ   þ    --> þ
small y dieresis or umlaut     ÿ     FF   ÿ --> ÿ   ÿ     --> ÿ

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

for all                              22                  ∀   --> ∀

there exists                         24                  ∃    --> ∃

backward epsilon, such that          27                  ϶    --> ϶

low asterisk math operator           2A                     --> ∗

Table des lettres capitales - Alphabet Grec

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

congruent                            40                       --> ≅
capital Alpha²                 A     41                  &Agr;      --> &Agr;
                                                         Α    --> Α

capital Beta²                  B     42                  &B∗gr;--> &Bgr;
                                                         Β     --> Β
capital Chi                    X     43                  &KHgr;     --> &KHgr;
                                                         Χ      --> Χ

capital Delta                        44                  Δ    --> Δ
capital Epsilon²               E     45                  &Egr;      --> &Egr;
                                                         Ε  --> Ε

                                                         &Epsi;     --> &Epsi;
capital Phi                          46                  &PHgr;     --> &PHgr;
                                                         Φ      --> Φ
capital Gamma                        47                  Γ    --> Γ

capital Eta²                   H     48                  &EEgr;     --> &EEgr;
                                                         Η      --> Η
capital Iota²                  I     49                  &Igr;      --> &Igr;
                                                         Ι     --> Ι

small script theta,                  4A                  ϑ   --> ϑ
   curly theta                                           &vtheta;   --> &vtheta;
capital Kappa²                 K     4B                  &Kgr;      --> &Kgr;
                                                         Κ    --> Κ

capital Lambda                       4C                  Λ   --> Λ
capital Mu²                    M     4D                  &Mgr;      --> &Mgr;
                                                         Μ       --> Μ

capital Nu²                    N     4E                  &Ngr;      --> &Ngr;
                                                         Ν       --> Ν
capital Omicron²               O     4F                  &Ogr;      --> &Ogr;
                                                         Ο  --> Ο

capital Pi                           50                  Π       --> Π
capital Theta                        51                  Θ    --> Θ
capital Rho                    P     52                  &Rgr;      --> &Rgr;
                                                         Ρ      --> Ρ

capital Sigma                        53                  Σ    --> Σ
capital Tau²                   T     54                  &Tgr;      --> &Tgr;
                                                         Τ      --> Τ

capital Upsilon                Y     55                  ϒ     --> ϒ
                                                         Υ  --> Υ
small final sigma                    56                  &sfgr;     --> &sfgr;
                                                         ς   --> ς
                                                         &vsigma;   --> &vsigma;
capital Omega, ohm sign              57                  Ω    --> Ω

                                                         Ω      --> Ω
capital Xi                           58                  Ξ       --> Ξ
capital Psi                          59                  Ψ      --> Ψ
capital Zeta²                  Z     5A                  &Zgr;      --> &Zgr;
                                                         Ζ     --> Ζ

therefore, hence                     5C                     --> ∴

perpendicular                        5E                  ⊥     --> ⊥

Table des lettres Bas de casse Alphabet Grec

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

radical extension,                   60                  ¹
   spacing overscore
small alpha                          61                  α    --> α

small beta                           62                  β     --> β
small chi                            63                  χ      --> χ
small delta                          64                  δ    --> δ

small script epsilon,                65                  &vepsilon; --> &vepsilon;
   curly epsilon
small (straight) phi                 66                  &phis;     --> &phis;
                                                         φ      --> φ

small gamma                          67                  γ    --> γ
small eta                            68                  η      --> η
small iota                           69                  ι     --> ι

small script phi, curly phi          6A                  ϕ     --> ϕ
                                                         ϕ   --> ϕ
small kappa                          6B                  κ    --> κ
small lambda                         6C                  λ   --> λ

small mu                       µ     6D                         --> μ
small nu                             6E                  ν       --> ν
small omicron²                 o     6F                  &ogr;      --> &ogr;
                                                         ο  --> ο

small pi                             70                  π       --> π
small (straight) theta               71                  &thetas;   --> &thetas;
                                                         θ    --> θ

small rho                            72                  ρ      --> ρ
small sigma                          73                  σ    --> σ
small tau                            74                  τ      --> τ

small upsilon                        75                  υ     --> υ
                                                         υ  --> υ
small omega pi, curly pi             76                  ϖ      --> ϖ

                                                         &varμpi;--> ϖ
small omega                          77                  ω    --> ω
small xi                             78                  ξ       --> ξ

small psi                            79                  ψ      --> ψ
small zeta                           7A                  ζ     --> ζ
similar sign, tilde operator         7E                        --> ∼


Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

capital Upsilon hook                 A1                  ¹
prime, minute mark                   A2                      --> ′

less-than-or-equal sign              A3                  ≤       --> ≤
fraction slash                       A4                  ¹
infinity                             A5                  ∞    --> ∞

                                                         &inf;      --> &inf;
small italic f,function of,florin    A6                  ƒ     --> ?
club suit symbol                     A7                      --> ♣

diamond suit symbol                  A8                      --> ♦
heart suit symbol                    A9                     --> ♥
spade suit symbol                    AA                     --> ♠

horizontal (left-right) arrow        AB                       --> ↔
left arrow                           AC                  ←     --> ←
up arrow                             AD                  ↑     --> ↑

right arrow                          AE                  →     --> →
down arrow                           AF                  ↓     --> ↓

double prime, second mark            B2                      --> ″

greater-than-or-equal sign           B3                  ≥       --> ≥

proportional to                      B5                       --> ∝
partial differential, curly d        B6                       --> ∂

                                                         &pd;       --> &pd;
round filled bullet                  B7                  •     --> ?

not-equal sign                       B9                  ≠       --> ≠
identical to, equivalent             BA                  ≡    --> ≡

approximately equal                  BB                        --> ≊
                                                         ≈       --> ≈
low horizontal ellipsis              BC                  …   --> ?
                                                         &ldots;    --> &ldots;
vertical arrow extension             BD                  ¹

horizontal arrow extension           BE                  ¹
down and left arrow,                 BF                  ¹
   carriage return arrow

Table des Caractères spéciaux ISO 8879 (Adobe Symbol Font) Entités

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

aleph, first transfinite cardinal    C0                      --> ℵ
black-letter I,imaginary part of     C1                      --> ℑ

black-letter R,real part of          C2                       --> ℜ
Weierstrassian function p            C3                     --> ℘
circled multiplication sign          C4                     --> ⊗

circled plus sign                    C5                      --> ⊕
empty set                            C6                      --> ∅
set intersection                     C7                        --> ∩

set union                            C8                        --> ∪
proper superset of                   C9                  ⊃      --> ⊃
superset-of-or-equal-to              CA                  ⊇     --> ⊇

not a subset of                      CB                       --> ⊄
proper subset of                     CC                  ⊂      --> ⊂
subset-of-or-equal-to                CD                  ⊆     --> ⊆

element of, set membership           CE                  ∈     --> ∈
not an element of                    CF                      --> ∉
angle                                D0                        --> ∠

del operator, gradient, nabla        D1                  ∇    --> ∇
trademark sign                       D4                  ™    --> ?
n-ary product operator               D5                       --> ∏

radical, square root                 D6                      --> √
small middle dot,math dot operator   D7                       --> ⋅
logical and                          D9                  ∧      --> ∧

logical or                           DA                  ∨       --> ∨
horizontal double arrow              DB                       --> ⇔
left double arrow                    DC                  ⇐     --> ⇐

up double arrow                      DD                  ⇑     --> ⇑
right double arrow                   DE                  ⇒     --> ⇒
down double arrow                    DF                  ⇓     --> ⇓

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity

lozenge, total mark                  E0                        --> ◊

left angle bracket                   E1                       --> 〈

n-ary summation operator             E5                  ∑      --> ∑
left parenthesis top                 E6                  ¹

left parenthesis extension           E7                  ¹
left parenthesis bottom              E8                  ¹
left bracket top (ceiling)           E9                      --> ⌈

left bracket extension               EA                  ¹
left bracket bottom (floor)          EB                     --> ⌊
left brace top                       EC                  ¹

left brace middle                    ED                  ¹
left brace bottom                    EE                  ¹
brace extension                      EF                  ¹

right angle bracket                  F1                       --> 〉

integral sign                        F2                  ∫      --> ∫
integral top                         F3                  ¹
integral extension                   F4                  ¹
integral bottom                      F5                  ¹

right parenthesis top                F6                  ¹
right parenthesis extension          F7                  ¹
right parenthesis bottom             F8                  ¹
right bracket top (ceiling)          F9                      --> ⌉

right bracket extension              FA                  ¹
right bracket bottom (floor)         FB                     --> ⌋
right brace top                      FC                  ¹

right brace middle                   FD                  ¹
right brace bottom                   FE                  ¹

Table des Entités HTML

Description                    Char                      Entity

spacing breve (short) accent                             ˘    --> ˘
spacing caron accent                                     ˇ    --> ˇ
centered horizontal ellipsis                             &cdots;    --> &cdots;
double acute accent                                      ˝    --> ˝
diagonal ellipsis                                        &dellip;   --> &dellip;
                                                         &ddots;    --> &ddots;
spacing dot above accent                                 ˙      --> ˙
array column fill ellipsis                               &dotfill;  --> &dotfill;
small script l                                                 --> ℓ
em space (the width of an "m")                                 -->  

en space (1/2 em space)                                        -->  
small (straight) epsilon                                 ε     --> ε
                                                         ε  --> ε
fraction 1/8                                             ⅛   --> ⅛
fraction 3/8                                             ⅜   --> ⅜
fraction 5/8                                             ⅝   --> ⅝
fraction 7/8                                             ⅞   --> ⅞
hair width space                                             -->  
if and only if (iff)                                     ⇔      --> ⇔
left determinant vertical bar                            &ldet;     --> &ldet;
contains as a member                                            --> ∋

spacing ogonek accent                                    ˛     --> ˛
Planck's constant h over 2 pi,                              --> ℏ
   small italic h slash (bar)
quad em space                                            &quad;     --> &quad;
right determinant vertical bar                           &rdet;     --> &rdet;
spacing ring above accent                                ˚     --> ˚
soft break space                                         &sbsp;     --> &sbsp;
since, because                                            --> ∵
(inverted therefore) sung text sign, music note          ♪     --> ♪
thin space (1/6 em space)                                    -->  

small rho variant                                        ϱ --> ϱ
vertical ellipsis                                        ⋮   --> ⋮
vertical elipsis also                                    &vdots;    --> &vdots;

Table des Fonctions mathématiques

Description                    String                    Entity

logarithmic function           log                       &log;      --> &log;
sine function                  sin                       &sin;      --> &sin;
hyperbolic tangent function    tanh                      &tanh;     --> &tanh;

Table des Couleurs : Safe (html) : Table hexadécimale


# FFFF99

# FFFF66

# FFFF33

# FFFF00



# FFCC99

# FFCC66

# FFCC33

# FFCC00

# FF99FF

# FF99CC

# FF9999

# FF9966

# FF9933

# FF9900

# FF66FF

# FF66CC

# FF6699

# FF6666

# FF6633

# FF6600

# FF33FF

# FF33CC

# FF3399

# FF3366

# FF3333

# FF3300

# FF00FF

# FF00CC

# FF0099

# FF0066

# FF0033

# FF0000



# CCFF99

# CCFF66

# CCFF33

# CCFF00



# CCCC99

# CCCC66

# CCCC33

# CCCC00

# CC99FF

# CC99CC

# CC9999

# CC9966

# CC9933

# CC9900

# CC66FF

# CC66CC

# CC6699

# CC6666

# CC6633

# CC6600

# CC33FF

# CC33CC

# CC3399

# CC3366

# CC3333

# CC3300

# CC00FF

# CC00CC

# CC0099

# CC0066

# CC0033

# CC0000

# 99FFFF

# 99FFCC

# 99FF99

# 99FF66

# 99FF33

# 99FF00

# 99CCFF

# 99CCCC

# 99CC99

# 99CC66

# 99CC33

# 99CC00

# 9999FF

# 9999CC

# 999999

# 999966

# 999933

# 999900

# 9966FF

# 9966CC

# 996699

# 996666

# 996633

# 996600

# 9933FF

# 9933CC

# 993399

# 993366

# 993333

# 993300

# 9900FF

# 9900CC

# 990099

# 990066

# 990033

# 990000

# 66FFFF

# 66FFCC

# 66FF99

# 66FF66

# 66FF33

# 66FF00

# 66CCFF

# 66CCCC

# 66CC99

# 66CC66

# 66CC33

# 66CC00

# 6699FF

# 6699CC

# 669999

# 669966

# 669933

# 669900

# 6666FF

# 6666CC

# 666699

# 666666

# 666633

# 666600

# 6633FF

# 6633CC

# 663399

# 663366

# 663333

# 663300

# 6600FF

# 6600CC

# 660099

# 660066

# 660033

# 660000

# 33FFFF

# 33FFCC

# 33FF99

# 33FF66

# 33FF33

# 33FF00

# 33CCFF

# 33CCCC

# 33CC99

# 33CC66

# 33CC33

# 33CC00

# 3399FF

# 3399CC

# 339999

# 339966

# 339933

# 339900

# 3366FF

# 3366CC

# 336699

# 336666

# 336633

# 336600

# 3333FF

# 3333CC

# 333399

# 333366

# 333333

# 333300

# 3300FF

# 3300CC

# 330099

# 330066

# 330033

# 330000

# 00FFFF

# 00FFCC

# 00FF99

# 00FF66

# 00FF33

# 00FF00

# 00CCFF

# 00CCCC

# 00CC99

# 00CC66

# 00CC33

# 00CC00

# 0099FF

# 0099CC

# 009999

# 009966

# 009933

# 009900

# 0066FF

# 0066CC

# 006699

# 006666

# 006633

# 006600

# 0033FF

# 0033CC

# 003399

# 003366

# 003333

# 003300

# 0000FF

# 0000CC

# 000099

# 000066

# 000033

# 000000


Jeu de caractères ASCII - ISO 8859-1 ( Latin - 1 ) - Ouest / Europe de l'ouest

Table de conversion

Hex. Num. Equivalent Browser character Char. Entity Reference Description

00-1F 00-31


21 ! !
Exclamation mark
22 " " " Double quote
23 # #
Hash; 'pound sign'
24 $ $
Dollar sign
25 % %
Percent sign
26 & & & Ampersand
27 ' '
28 ( (
Open bracket
29 ) )
Close bracket
2A * *
2B + +
Plus sign
2C , ,
2D - -
Minus sign
2E . .
Fullstop; period
2F / /
Slash; forward slash
30 0 0

31 1 1

32 2 2

33 3 3

34 4 4

35 5 5

36 6 6

37 7 7

38 8 8

39 9 9

3A : :
3B ; ;
3C < < < Less-than sign
3D = =
3E > > > Greater-than sign
3F ? ?
Question mark
40 @ @
At sign; commercial at
41 A A

42 B B

43 C C

44 D D

45 E E

46 F F

47 G G

48 H H

49 I I

4A J J

4B K K

4C L L

4D M M

4E N N

4F O O

50 P P

51 Q Q

52 R R

53 S S

54 T T

55 U U

56 V V

57 W W

58 X X

59 Y Y

5A Z Z

5B [ [
Open square bracket
5C \ \
5D ] ]
Close square bracket
5E ^ ^
5F _ _
60 ` `
Grave accent
61 a a

62 b b

63 c c

64 d d

65 e e

66 f f

67 g g

68 h h

69 i i

6A j j

6B k k

6C l l

6D m m

6E n n

6F o o

70 p p

71 q q

72 r r

73 s s

74 t t

75 u u

76 v v

77 w w

78 x x

79 y y

7A z z

7B { {
Left brace; left curly bracket
7C | |
Vertical bar
7D } }
Right brace; right curly bracket
7E ~ ~
7F-9F 127-159

A0       Non-breaking space
A1 ¡ ¡ ¡ Inverted exclamation mark
A2 ¢ ¢ ¢ Cent sign
A3 £ £ £ Pound sign
A4 ¤ ¤ ¤ Currency sign
A5 ¥ ¥ ¥ Yen sign; yuan sign
A6 ¦ ¦ ¦ Broken bar; broken vertical bar
A7 § § § Section sign
A8 ¨ ¨ ¨ Diaeresis; spacing diaeresis
A9 © © © Copyright sign
AA ª ª ª Feminine ordinal indicator
AB « « « Left-pointing double angle quotation mark; left pointing guillemet
AC ¬ ¬ ¬ Not sign
AD ­ ­ ­ Soft hyphen; discretionary hyphen
AE ® ® ® Registered sign; registered trade mark sign
AF ¯ ¯ ¯ Macron; spacing macron; overline; APL overbar
B0 ° ° ° Degree sign
B1 ± ± ± Plus-minus sign; plus-or-minus sign
B2 ² ² ² Superscript two; superscript digit two; squared
B3 ³ ³ ³ Superscript three; superscript digit three; cubed
B4 ´ ´ ´ Acute accent; spacing acute
B5 µ µ µ Micro sign
B6 Pilcrow sign; paragraph sign
B7 · · · Middle dot; Georgian comma; Greek middle dot
B8 ¸ ¸ ¸ Cedilla; spacing cedilla
B9 ¹ ¹ ¹ Superscript one; superscript digit one
BA º º º Masculine ordinal indicator
BB » » » Right-pointing double angle quotation mark; right pointing guillemet
BC ¼ ¼ ¼ Vulgar fraction one quarter; fraction one quarter
BD ½ ½ ½ Vulgar fraction one half; fraction one half
BE ¾ ¾ ¾ Vulgar fraction three quarters; fraction 3 quarters
BF ¿ ¿ ¿ Inverted question mark; turned question mark
C0 À À À Latin capital letter A with grave; Latin capital letter A grave
C1 Á Á Á Latin capital letter A with acute
C2 Â Â Â Latin capital letter A with circumflex
C3 Ã Ã Ã Latin capital letter A with tilde
C4 Ä Ä Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
C5 Å Å Å Latin capital letter A with ring above; Latin capital letter A ring
C6 Æ Æ Æ Latin capital letter AE; Latin capital ligature AE
C7 Ç Ç Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla
C8 È È È Latin capital letter E with grave
C9 É É É Latin capital letter E with acute
CA Ê Ê Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex
CB Ë Ë Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
CC Ì Ì Ì Latin capital letter I with grave
CD Í Í Í Latin capital letter I with acute
CE Î Î Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex
CF Ï Ï Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
D0 Ð Ð Ð Latin capital letter ETH
D1 Ñ Ñ Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde
D2 Ò Ò Ò Latin capital letter O with grave
D3 Ó Ó Ó Latin capital letter O with acute
D4 Ô Ô Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex
D5 Õ Õ Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde
D6 Ö Ö Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
D7 × × × Multiplication sign
D8 Ø Ø Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke; Latin capital letter O slash
D9 Ù Ù Ù Latin capital letter U with grave
DA Ú Ú Ú Latin capital letter U with acute
DB Û Û Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex
DC Ü Ü Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
DD Ý Ý Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute
DE Þ Þ Þ Latin capital letter THORN
DF ß ß ß Latin small letter sharp s; ess-zed
E0 à à à Latin small letter a with grave; Latin small letter a grave
E1 á á á Latin small letter a with acute
E2 â â â Latin small letter a with circumflex
E3 ã ã ã Latin small letter a with tilde
E4 ä ä ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis
E5 å å å Latin small letter a with ring above; Latin small letter a ring
E6 æ æ æ Latin small letter ae; Latin small ligature ae
E7 ç ç ç Latin small letter c with cedilla
E8 è è è Latin small letter e with grave
E9 é é é Latin small letter e with acute
EA ê ê ê Latin small letter e with circumflex
EB ë ë ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis
EC ì ì ì Latin small letter i with grave
ED í í í Latin small letter i with acute
EE î î î Latin small letter i with circumflex
EF ï ï ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis
F0 ð ð ð Latin small letter eth
F1 ñ ñ ñ Latin small letter n with tilde
F2 ò ò ò Latin small letter o with grave
F3 ó ó ó Latin small letter o with acute
F4 ô ô ô Latin small letter o with circumflex
F5 õ õ õ Latin small letter o with tilde
F6 ö ö ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis
F7 ÷ ÷ ÷ Division sign
F8 ø ø ø Latin small letter o with stroke; Latin small letter o slash
F9 ù ù ù Latin small letter u with grave
FA ú ú ú Latin small letter u with acute
FB û û û Latin small letter u with circumflex
FC ü ü ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis
FD ý ý ý Latin small letter y with acute
FE þ þ þ Latin small letter thorn
FF ÿ ÿ ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis

Alt Codes : Combinaisons de touches au clavier
Chiffres à saisir en maintenant la touche [Alt] enfoncée
(les caractères n'apparaissent qu'après relachement de la touche [Alt])

¤ = [Alt] 15
¶ = [Alt] 20
§ = [Alt] 21
| = [Alt] 124
Ç = [Alt] 128
ü = [Alt] 129
é = [Alt] 130
ƒ = [Alt] 131
ä = [Alt] 132
à = [Alt] 133
† = [Alt] 134
ç = [Alt] 135
ê = [Alt] 136
ë = [Alt] 137
è = [Alt] 138
ï = [Alt] 139
î = [Alt] 140
ì = [Alt] 141
ô = [Alt] 147
ö = [Alt] 148
ò = [Alt] 149
û = [Alt] 150
ù = [Alt] 151
ÿ = [Alt] 152
Ö = [Alt] 153
Ü = [Alt] 154
¢ = [Alt] 155
£ = [Alt] 156
¥ = [Alt] 157
á = [Alt] 160
í = [Alt] 161
ó = [Alt] 162
ú = [Alt] 163
ñ = [Alt] 164
Ñ = [Alt] 165
ª = [Alt] 166
º = [Alt] 167
¿ = [Alt] 168
¬ = [Alt] 170
½ = [Alt] 171
¼ = [Alt] 172
¡ = [Alt] 173
« = [Alt] 174
» = [Alt] 175
¦ = [Alt] 179
ß = [Alt] 225
¶ = [Alt] 227
µ = [Alt] 230
± = [Alt] 241
÷ = [Alt] 246
° = [Alt] 248
• = [Alt] 249
· = [Alt] 250
² = [Alt] 253
¤ = [Alt] 271
¶ = [Alt] 276
§ = [Alt] 277
! = [Alt] 289
… = [Alt] 0133
† = [Alt] 0134
‡ = [Alt] 0135
‰ = [Alt] 0137
Š = [Alt] 0138
‹ = [Alt] 0139
Œ = [Alt] 0140
 = [Alt] 0141
• = [Alt] 0149
– = [Alt] 0150
— = [Alt] 0151
™ = [Alt] 0153
š = [Alt] 0154
› = [Alt] 0155
œ = [Alt] 0156
Ÿ = [Alt] 0159
¢ = [Alt] 0162
© = [Alt] 0169
ª = [Alt] 0170
« = [Alt] 0171
® = [Alt] 0174
¯ = [Alt] 0175
° = [Alt] 0176
± = [Alt] 0177
² = [Alt] 0178
³ = [Alt] 0179
· = [Alt] 0183
¸ = [Alt] 0184
¹ = [Alt] 0185
º = [Alt] 0186
» = [Alt] 0187
¼ = [Alt] 0188
½ = [Alt] 0189
¾ = [Alt] 0190
À = [Alt] 0192
 = [Alt] 0194
à = [Alt] 0195
Å = [Alt] 0197
Æ = [Alt] 0198
È = [Alt] 0200
É = [Alt] 0201
Ê = [Alt] 0202
Ë = [Alt] 0203
Ì = [Alt] 0204
Î = [Alt] 0206
Ï = [Alt] 0207
Ð = [Alt] 0208
Ñ = [Alt] 0209
Ò = [Alt] 0210
Ô = [Alt] 0212
Ö = [Alt] 0214
Ø = [Alt] 0216
Ù = [Alt] 0217
Ú = [Alt] 0218
Û = [Alt] 0219
Ü = [Alt] 0220
Ý = [Alt] 0221
Þ = [Alt] 0222
ß = [Alt] 0223
à = [Alt] 0224
á = [Alt] 0225
ã = [Alt] 0227
ç = [Alt] 0231
è = [Alt] 0232
ê = [Alt] 0234
í = [Alt] 0237
ð = [Alt] 0240
ñ = [Alt] 0241
ò = [Alt] 0242
ó = [Alt] 0243
ô = [Alt] 0244
õ = [Alt] 0245
ö = [Alt] 0246
÷ = [Alt] 0247
ø = [Alt] 0248
ù = [Alt] 0249
ú = [Alt] 0250
û = [Alt] 0251
ü = [Alt] 0252
ý = [Alt] 0253
þ = [Alt] 0254
ÿ = [Alt] 0255

Autres ressources et représentations de la table ASCII (anglais)
EBCDIC Character Set - Une autre norme (désuète ?)
BAUDOT - Encore une autre norme ...
BAUDOT En savoir plus sur BAUDOT
Brief History of Character Codes - Une vraie bible !
Braille Chart - La table des codes pour personne mal-voyantes.
